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Though I write here on this blog, it is not just mine. It's ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Your stories and your wisdom are just as meaningful as mine.Thank you Everyone!
Just a note to be respectful to one another. We don't have to share each others beliefs nor do we have to agree with each other. We are entitled to our own beliefs. We are all beautiful souls and it's a big world out there. We come from all walks of life and if you see something that is offensive to you that it isn't intended to be.. Live, Love,Laugh.
When any inspirational story I find searching the internet, I post here and will give the writer credit. If the writers name is not present then its unknown. I do not own the pictures unless stated.
I like to keep this blog real. Every now and then I will throw in some laughter because to me that is good medicine. Sometimes I'll share my life experience too. I'm not a deeply religious person but that does not mean I don't believe. I believe that we should all be treated equal and that no one should judge anyone in a negative manner! That's just me.
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