Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Story of Inspiration

“I was on my way to work on a two wheeler one day when a trucked rammed into me and completely crushed my leg. It wasn’t the driver’s fault - there was a pillar which hindered his vision. People around immediately took me to the hospital and even though it happened around 9:30 am I was only operated upon at 5:30 pm. The doctors tried to save my leg but after a few days it got infected and I had to be amputated. When the doctor told me, I asked him ‘why did you take so long? I knew for a while that this would happen.’
What got me through this whole ordeal is acceptance - that this is my fate, now I can either choose to cry about it, or take it with a pinch of salt and push myself…I picked the latter. In fact when people used to come to visit me in the hospital and get emotional — I would tell them jokes to make them laugh!
So I took the physiotherapy, and began to learn how to walk all over again. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t be able to play badminton which has been my passion since childhood — but somehow even while I was facing difficulty in walking…I could play. I began winning corporate badminton tournaments, and on the suggestion of one of my amputee friends decided to try out at a National Level. I went on to win several medals at the National level and, this year I won Silver in the Para Badminton World Championship held in England. I’ve trained for 5 hours a day, whilst juggling my job as a software engineer, almost completed my training in Scuba Diving and traveled pretty much all over India. When people ask me, ‘how do you do so much?’ I just ask one question — ‘what’s stopping you?’"

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why I Am Here?

why I am here? Nobody knows that. There is no way to know it, and there is no need to know it. This is a constant questioning - why am I here? This constant thirst for the why is not a disease It’s the activiness of the mind. No answer is going to satisfy you, because the why can be asked again. If I say "You are here because of this..." then why will be pushed back a little, that's all. You will again ask why I am here? well, this time you are here to read, I have no idea how you came here but you did that,so....Are you going to read?

Self Respect and Self Esteem are one of the assets to human beings. Self Respect builds inner love for ourselves and helps us to overcome our loneliness. Problem comes and goes, event comes and goes, but love and proud for ourselves success remains there when we have self respect and self esteem. It plays a very important role in our life to know what and how we are feeling at this moment. Whatever we are feeling right now, is the perfection reflection in the process of becoming what we are!. Be Happy, Clear your mind by removing waste and negative thoughts. Give space for positive and necessary thoughts which would help you to remain calm, cool, focused and relaxed at this particular moment.

The day you will stop giving love to people, life and nature, that would be the starting point of loneliness, hopeless, helpless and negative thoughts emitting inside your mind. No matter how much strong, successful, intelligent and prosperous you are, this would definitely make you down, low and unhappy. So spread love to everyone who comes on your way, it’s absolutely free.

Your whole world lies within you. The outer world is the manifestation of what is going on inside. Clean your inner world with love, light, prayers, happiness, peace and gratitude by forgiving your enemies, loving your neighbors more than yourself, sharing your positive thoughts, happiness, success, talking about ideas for living much better manner and not people. You would be amazed to see the world shaping with respect to what you were feeling within you. We are responsible and meant to live a magnificent life. The Power lies within you. Before activating the power switch which is on your heart, you need to forgive quickly and concentrate on how grateful you are for your parents, friends, love and life itself. When you wake up its your duty to give unconditional love, help, care, lose yourself in the service of others by taking self interest into consideration. Don’t think what others do, act and say, always travel on your path with your beliefs, loving and kindness to everyone coming on your way. Be happy for small things which would turn into bigger one someday. Have Patience and say to yourself something good going to happen today.
I don't know why I am here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


1. If you born poor, its not your mistake, but if you die poor, its your mistake.
2. Born with personality is an accident, but dying in a personality is an achievement.
3. Your birth may be normal, but your death should be history.
4. Follow none, but learn from every one.
5. Practice like a devil, & play like an angel.
6. Do or die is an old concept, do it before die is a new concept.
7. Like all, trust few.